Smart «Li +» Charger

Smart Li + charger for laser tag
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Sales price $18
Price / kg:
Li +
0.6 A
0.75 -  3
up to 10 W

Smart Li+ charger is one of the devices from smart series like Spider charger or Firefly charger.
It was designed to charge lithium batteries and has several advantages:
1. It uses a new chip that was released in 2017 in the United States. This is one of the most advanced chips that is used for such devices.
2. It charges only when it is needed. That’s why if the player connects it to the gun or device that has 7.6V battery voltage it wouldn’t start charging the device, because it understands that this battery charge is enough for a few more games. If the owner still wants to recharge the equipment, then he can force starting the chagrin process by connecting the charger with the gun and, then plugin it to the outlet.
3. Extends battery life. Smart Li + charger treats batteries with care, does not overcharge them and does not allow a capacity decreasing, that’s why the total operating time of such batteries increases significantly.
4. Disconnects the battery after a full charge. Smart Li + charger uses Multistage CC-CV charge method, that means not to exceed the permissible current and voltage parameters while charging the battery. This method allows charging batteries from a “deep discharge” state. At the end of the charging process, the charger is switched to the CV mode, when the smaller current at constant voltage is supplied and results in slow charging and eliminating self-discharge of the battery.
5. Charger Protection. “Smart Li +” is protected from connecting to faulty batteries, and is equipped with a high-quality molded connector, a safety timer.


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