Portable Medic

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Sales price $53
Price / kg:
8 oz (230 g) 
5.7x3.5x.1.3 in (145 x 90 x 32 mm)
4 AA batteries

One of the distinguishing features of Medic device is touchpad switch control panel (that similar to the one used for Universal Remote). This control panel is made of wear-resistant plastic, that is resistant to inclement weather conditions.

The basis of the Medic game kit is a specially developed motherboard, characterized by improved tracks wiring and increased components quality.
The Medic case is made of plastic. Dimensions are 5.7x3.5x.1.3 inches (145 x 90 x 32 mm). The weight – is 8oz (230 g). Four AA batteries are used as a power source, Without them, the device weighs only 5 oz (140 g).

Portable medic kit for lasertag

The main Medic feature is an expanded list of commands and settings. Thus, the device can not only restore health or ammunition but also play the role of a Medkit or Anomaly point device.

Game parameters are configured with Online Configurator.

Medic configuration for Lasertag

To switch to admin mode, place the kit in front of the USB base or Smart remote Pro connected to the PC so that the device sensors and USB base sensors are opposite each other. Apply the “New Game” command from any remote control (Universal remote, Smart nano remote, remote pro, smart remote pro). Medic should go admin mode within ten seconds. In this case, the device LEDs turn purple.

The owner of the Medic set can change the main “Medic” device parameter - the number of sent commands, for example, health sets (for 1 to Unlimited) - that is, how many times a layer can use the device before it should be rebooted.

The other parameters that can be changed are

  •  “Button holding time.” That is the time the player should hold a button to send a command. It means it is necessary not only to press the button but to keep it pressed for a certain time interval for using the kit. While holding the button the device makes several sounds (increasing short signals and one long, meaning that the device was used) and light indication (increasing the brightness of the diodes with a color change from green to blue).
  • "The number of hits to destroy one health set." The medic device can be hit and destroyed, moreover, it doesn’t belong to a certain team or color. Any player can hit the Medic. But if you want, this parameter can be disabled (check the box “Ignore hits”).
    When being hit the device makes a beep. As the preset number of health sets decreases, the color of the diodes will change from green (more than 50% of the health sets) to yellow (from 25% to 50%) than to bright red (less than 25%) and dim red (the health sets stock is totally destroyed). Being destroyed the “Medic” device should be rebooted from the remote control with “New Game” command.
  • Actions: 
    - Add (1 5 10 50 100) health points
    - Add (10, 50, 100) cartridges 
    - Reanimation
    - New game
    - Restore ammo
    - Restore health
    - Add (1,2,5,10) clips 
    -Adrenaline 1,4 15, 75
    -Treatment of bleeding (bandage)
    -Anomaly (1,2,10,25,50,75, 100) health points
Medic configuration for Lasertag
It’s worth notifying that the game kit has an anti-cheat memory effect. If layer removes the batteries from the “destroyed” “Medic” and reinserts them, it will not come to restore the health sets. The programmed parameters are also saved.
The power source of the Medic game set is four AA batteries. Depending on the intensity of use, they will last for up to 4 months. The device is not turned off, but if it is idle for an hour, it will go into standby mode.


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