
With shipment Delivery method will be selected by customer and approved by manager. for $0
Sales price $39
Price / kg:


0.4 lb (0.2kg)
5.5x3.5x1.1 in (14.5x9x3.3cm)  
6LR61 or compatible 

The artifact is a unique system, specially developed for lasertag games in STALKER game universe.


There are 4 types of artifacts: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Artifacts of one type don't interact with each other. Combinations of artifacts like Water and Fire, Earth and Air and so on are available. You can easily change the result rendered both by interacting artifacts and by each of them separately with Laser tag configurator.

So, let's take a closer look at the details of artifacts working in different modes.

Each artifact has three operation modes:

1. Waiting (Artifact not found)

2. Captured (Artifact captured)

3. Assembled (Artifacts interact each other)

Waiting mode

After power-on artifact goes to waiting mode. Each 10 sec artifact LED blinks with a white color (number of blinks correspond to artifact type) and making chaotic sound clicks similar to Geiger sensor sounds.

Captured mode

Shooting at the artifact that is working in waiting mode changes the color of artifact and it becomes Captured. The LED will shine constantly and it sounds 1 time per second. If an enemy shoots in captured artifact it goes Waiting mode again.

Assembled mode

In order for the artifacts to unite and go into the "Assembled" mode, the following conditions must be met:

 - artifacts must be of different types (Artifacts of one type doesn't interact with each other);

- artifacts must be captured by one team;

- artifacts should be next to each other, there should be no obstacles between them.

Assembling of artifacts lasts for 5-10 seconds. When complete, artifacts begin to blink with the color of a team that captured and assembled them. If enemy shots to an artifact they are going to a "Waiting mode" and you will have to capture them again. If one of the "assembled" artifacts is carried out beyond the reach of another, then after a certain time (10-20 seconds), the artifacts will lose their interaction and return to "Captured" mode.

In each mode after a certain time (that can be set in Laser tag configurator, from 10 sec to 3 min) artifact emits IR-command corresponded to its mode.

Features of IR-commands

You can set different commands for each mode of operation. For example "Heal the owner" will restore only health hitpoints of the player who have captured the artifact. "Restore ammunition to a team" command will restore ammunition only to a team that has captured this artifact. You can also set blank command for a certain mode.

Programming an artifact

Use USB-base connected to a PC and run Lasertag configurator (available here). You can program only one artifact at a time. For setting up a programming mode power on artifact while pressing the special button (technological hole at the top side of the front cover). The LED lights up with pink. If the artifact is connected, it will blink during communication with the PC. After that, it is necessary to select commands for each of the artifact modes, the time between the activities and click the "Record" button.


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