
With shipment Delivery method will be selected by customer and approved by manager. for $0
Sales price $65
Price / kg:
1 lb (480 g)
up to 36 Hours 
Li+ (2.2 Ah)
Li+ (8,4V; 1000 mA) (additional option)

Reammunitioning device “ARSENAL” is the closest relative of the classic Laserwar “Basic MediKit” device, that is well known among players and lasertag operators and owners. 
Now we offer you a new version of the device with replenishment of ammunition function. 

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"Arsenal" will become an indispensable assistant while running laser tag tournaments, tactical training, corporate and entertainment events at laser tag arenas.

As all our additional game device this one is designed for intensive use.
The tuff case of this "Arsenal" device protects electronics from falling and other physical damage.

The design of the device is minimalistic but very informative. In the middle of the body, there is located a big bright yellow button. Around the button, it has a perceptible red-yellow frame, that's why it is brightly highlighted, and can be clearly seen in the dark. This allows to use it at any time of the day. Our developers especially thought about the strength of this button, that's why the players can press it as many times as they like. The button will withstand a large number of clicks.

The players won't be confused with using the device. Stylish icons provide accurate and useful information about the purpose of the device. And you can mount the “ARSENAL” on the wall using 4 holes on the case.

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The device is very easy to use. To turn on this device you need a special key, which of course comes in the game kit.   After the button lights up, “ARSENAL” is ready for operation. There are two IR emitters at the front of the body. One press of the button means one Infrared impulse. The guns that will be within the range of infrared signals receive a new supply of ammunition. After replenishment of ammunition, the gun will be ready for play.


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