Laser Tag Grenade

Laser Tag Grenade

Laser Tag Grenade is one of the most interesting and effective devices in laser tag games. A grenade can quickly and dramatically change the playing position of the parties. While assault only one grenade can “kill” players in a well-fortified hideout, destroy enemy ambush, or wipe out a whole attack group, especially when playing in buildings.



Grenade is a simple and easy-to-use device that raises the gameplay in your laser tag club to a new level, making it more interesting and unpredictable.

Grenade for Lasertag


Now in 8-9th generation of laser tag guns, we have made a special detonation signal for player sets. The Tagger will inform the player that it has been “killed” not with the enemy gun, but from the laser tag grenade.

You can buy Laser Tag Grenade in our online shop.